Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Malaysia in 1 month and 2 weeks


Sementara menunggu waktu subuh masuk, ada baiknya juga aku update blog aku. Nothing interesting lately. Personal matters, kinda interesting, other than that, everything is just plain, like always. Apparently, it will always be like this, when I want to write something, it will just lost in the wind, going idk where. Sigh. Mungkin sebab aku baca blog orang lain dulu kot.

Apa-apa pun bersyukur sebab, practical therapy, unofficially dah habis. Dapat cikgu baik and sangat cooperative, tapi serius, badan pun tahu penat. And nak ditambah stress, cikgu Epidemiology pun Galina. Sadly. Sangat saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly depressed. Im gonna have a 10-days full of stresses and depressions. I don't know why she likes our class. But act otherwise (like she doesn't like my class). And the tortures continues. Kalau aku sambung mengeluh, boleh SOB.

Itulah hidup. Tak adil.

Kira sibuk mengira hidup hal orang lain, tanpa kira sibuk mengira hal kita. Most of the times.
Kadang-kadang entah kita sedar atau tidak, kita menyibuk ni akan mendatangkan kemudaratan lagi ada lah pada orang tu.

OK subuh dah masuk. Malas panjang-panjang. Aku nak lelap dulu.

1 comment:

  1. never let the things you want make you forget the things you have..


Be positive. For whatever you may read and wrote from this blog ^_^