Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fortunate we are

I just halt this. This guy really made me think deep even under the heavy bright hot sun.

How lucky we are. Studying medicine. Eh or maybe, someday I will end up being in his place. Maybe, you will never know your future.

And when this guy stopped playing his flute, and he took a rest by drinking a bottle of tea. And then he kept on playing the flute. I mean, if he can be happy of what he has and he can be so opitimist in whatever condition of his life is, why cant we? Happiness is your decision. Live with it or not.

And in 'perfectness' of who we are, we still always got down, demoralized. I wonder what motivated him.

Yes I did feel like wanna cry when I saw him.

May Allah guve the best of everything in your life. You taught me one thing, in less I will learn more through appreciation.



  1. "buat la kerja apa sekalipun, janji benda itu halal dan kau happy, nak kisah apa lagi. tak kisah la nak kira kolar putih ke, klar biru ke, kolar kelabu ke kolar belang-belang ke, janji kau baut kerja halal yang buat kau happy. Nak kisah apa?

    Biarlah kerja lelah asalkan masih boleh ketawa, daripada kerja mewah tapi berendam air mata. " contengan jalanan-fend

    mesti awak rasa saya ni mmg tak ada keja lain selain dari quote ayat-ayat hlovate kan...saya tak pandai nak bagi nasihat, ilmu pun tak seberapa..jadi baik saya quote dari orang yang mmg dah jual buku sampai ratus ribu naskah kan..

    alhamdulillah, dah habis first paper selasa dan rabu minggu depan...

    stay strong ye encik doktor...=)

  2. ni pokcik dekat sovremennik tu kan. ha ah. sedih do tengok dia. tapi tulah. aku kasi je lah duit sebab dia layan dia punya flute best. hehehe.


Be positive. For whatever you may read and wrote from this blog ^_^