1. Nikon D7000 or D90
  2. Wide lens
  3. Get excellent results in exam I
  4. Produce at least booklet
  5. Bake biscuits
  6. Get 1 onesie
  7. Read a decent motivational book
  8. Get my mom a watch
  9. Get a surprise present for abah
  10.  Make my own saving bank: per month at least RM 200 to save. 
  11. Make my own productive bank: everytime I did a productive job, I will bank in 20 rubles. Among them are:
    1. Work out
    2. Did a homework
    3. Did a class note with decent acronyms
    4. Help someone in need, or sadaqa. 
    5. Clean diet: vegetables, protein ONLY! (no carbs for a day!)


  1. Jalan-jalan ~

    Pergh aku rasa tercabar baca blog positivity haha
    Keep it up, aku pun tak rajin dah update blog, baca blog orang je sekarang

    Aku seorang pemalas yang optimist lol

    1. Wan, hahaha...biasalah, aku pun tak rajin jugak. Kadang-kadang malas, sebab dah ada IG bagai, every life events aku update sana je. Senang. Simple. On the go.

      anyway, kadang2 nak bebel panjang kat sini pun boleh. at least outside world aku mungkin terus negative, at least dalam ni, ada benda aku kena optimis. hehe.


Be positive. For whatever you may read and wrote from this blog ^_^