Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Get a grip back, and stop mumbling there!


I think I am reaching to a point where I've got nothing to do right now. A point where, these sorts of questions soon gonna pop into my head like "Hari ni nak buat apa?" "Bosan la hari ni, nak main tak ada orang, pointless jugak".

And this syndrome is what I am afraid of right now. Because this whole point of not going back to Malaysia should not end this way. I need to find something. I need to do something. Eventhough I do have some plans, but the plans are going to move, if my mood is right. So far, every 2 days, I will do those works. At least, right?

However, getting back my camera back to life is surely a good idea too. But, taking pictures alone in this motherland, could be quite challenging, in the sense of how dangerous is this place could be, specifically, to the people. They can act out of this world's norm. Seriously.

I would really want to take a picture of good scenery. But I just don't know where, and when. Sigh.

Anyway, for a starter, here's the pics. Enjoy! :)

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