Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mempelajari sesuatu


Had been busy for the past week. Even though the name itself looked pretty much an easy job, certainly these "Menjemput Pelajar-pelajar Baru Dari Yayasan Terengganu" wasn't as easy as I thought. Managing these 42 people with only 6 seniors left in Volgograd was a bit of challenge in my life. I know it seems like I am boasting this all over this blog, but this is my blog, I write what I think and I feel.

With lots of unsolved things in mind, a responsibility is still a responsibility. Managing a 'perfect' preparation for the juniors was really tough especially when I was appointed to be the head in managing them. Of course everything should start with a proper planning: foods, accommodations etc etc should be settled as soon as possible and yes everything went smoothly not until the juniors came; suddenly everything became really hectic, and during that time, I am mentally challenged.

42 students in total and 2 of their nice and friendly officers and a parent (father and mother) who unexpectedly came along with them, had been the greatest moment in life. Certainly there were something lacking here and there, as getting a perfect remark for a 15-persons-work while having just 6 persons, I guess the job that we had done, was more than perfect. Though, I pretty much know that juniors are juniors, maybe they are complaining about this and that, but baring for just a week more, they will get what they want, since all seniors haven't come back yet.

Being pampered too much is not so good.

Seeing them came here really recalls me right to the moment when I first came here. Plus, for a village boy like me, being on airplane was something I could scream for 20 years, whatmore, taking a flight going to oversea. But certainly it is different with these juniors (at least most of them). When we first arrived here, there are no foods for us, and even the seniors didn't even took us to buy some chickens or anything to eat. Maybe because everything was sold in hostel (since all seniors have already arrived). But then, things are different when it comes to being a 'survivor'. They are all too coward of getting on or off the bus. Afraid of getting lost I guest. But seriously, people really learn from mistake, so dare to make a move, even if it is a mistake, you will learn from it. But meh, it is also understandable since they don't even know how to read Russians. Not speak yes, but READ!

So, our assists certainly unescapable. Sounds like we don't wanna help them, but living in here for a month and more, getting some Malaysians around here certainly bring back the Malaysian-ness feeling. Haha.

But actually I am bit jealous with these juniors. Its not because they are actually fully assisted by seniors or rich or what, but they really had their great moments in here. It's not an everyday-everywhere experience to arrive in a country where you don't even know how to speak, worst, how to read. This is a great moment to be remembered!

So welcome juniors! We are survivors!

p.s: mencari kesesuaian memanglah bukan sesuatu yang susah. Tapi, ikhtiarnya harus ada, bukan hanya memendam kan?

1 comment:

Be positive. For whatever you may read and wrote from this blog ^_^