"When problem hits you, don't panic. Take a deep breath. I know it is stressful, and it wasn't easy as you 'emotional outburst' suddenly seems to be uncontrolled. Keep you head up, and focus on solving the matter"
And as what I expected to come true, it became true. And it was really hard. This was perhaps one of the hardest emotional breakdown I ever had ever since awhile. Suddenly, MiuMiu was needed to be evacuated from my room, hence the hostel. I know this would come, but in my own world, I hope this would not become true. Sadly, it became true.
That's why I'm in so much stress. You know, I am easily get stressed, be it simple or complex thing. The difference is that, how I handled those stress, certainly have improved a lot. Coming to believe that whatever it is, there is always Allah who will always help His slave, because He is Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, is something that will always sits in my heart, being my true companion to endure all sorts of things. Yeah, it was really sad. I couldn't accept that my best friend was just taken away just like that. Yes, the moment I heard he 'meow' was the moment I couldn't bare with my own eyes. To tear.
Say whatever you like, this is what it's like when I really appreciate something beyond anything. Though, his own master doesn't seem even to care (what a bloody ignorance) but it is understandable, because most people keep their pets to be posted on Instagram. Not as a companion. Not as a 'present' from God that you need to keep, be responsible towards the pet. Sick human is sick. Go die.
But what really makes me mad, is that, does really human doesn't have any heart at all nowadays? Yeah coming to such recent issues that currently happening in Malaysia (shooting here and there. This is what? Counter Strike game or what?), and most importantly in Mesir and Syria.
I was pretty much disappointed by how human really can't think beyond their gifted brains. See, even though there are rules written like "Not cats are allowed to be in the hostel", but my argument is that, who created these rules anyway? Yes, its human. See, who created humans? If you're not an atheist, surely it is God (Allah S.W.T), and with humans, Allah created hearts, so that they have feelings. FEELINGS! If you casted away the cat, the animal who doesn't even disturb you anyways, all of sudden because of the 'rules', you need to throw them away? Don't you have any sympathy? I guess, pathetically, your brain has gone out of this world since, you are just a slave to the human's rules rather than the rules created by God (which is to love). You know pretty much that the domestic cat can't survive on streets right? Oh, sorry, you're heartless creature (not human, nor animal).
"When problem hits you, don't panic. Take a deep breath. I know it is stressful, and it wasn't easy as you 'emotional outburst' suddenly seems to be uncontrolled. Keep you head up, and focus on solving the matter"
And as what I expected to come true, it became true. And it was really hard. This was perhaps one of the hardest emotional breakdown I ever had ever since awhile. Suddenly, MiuMiu was needed to be evacuated from my room, hence the hostel. I know this would come, but in my own world, I hope this would not become true. Sadly, it became true.
That's why I'm in so much stress. You know, I am easily get stressed, be it simple or complex thing. The difference is that, how I handled those stress, certainly have improved a lot. Coming to believe that whatever it is, there is always Allah who will always help His slave, because He is Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, is something that will always sits in my heart, being my true companion to endure all sorts of things. Yeah, it was really sad. I couldn't accept that my best friend was just taken away just like that. Yes, the moment I heard he 'meow' was the moment I couldn't bare with my own eyes. To tear.
Say whatever you like, this is what it's like when I really appreciate something beyond anything. Though, his own master doesn't seem even to care (what a bloody ignorance) but it is understandable, because most people keep their pets to be posted on Instagram. Not as a companion. Not as a 'present' from God that you need to keep, be responsible towards the pet. Sick human is sick. Go die.
But what really makes me mad, is that, does really human doesn't have any heart at all nowadays? Yeah coming to such recent issues that currently happening in Malaysia (shooting here and there. This is what? Counter Strike game or what?), and most importantly in Mesir and Syria.
I was pretty much disappointed by how human really can't think beyond their gifted brains. See, even though there are rules written like "Not cats are allowed to be in the hostel", but my argument is that, who created these rules anyway? Yes, its human. See, who created humans? If you're not an atheist, surely it is God (Allah S.W.T), and with humans, Allah created hearts, so that they have feelings. FEELINGS! If you casted away the cat, the animal who doesn't even disturb you anyways, all of sudden because of the 'rules', you need to throw them away? Don't you have any sympathy? I guess, pathetically, your brain has gone out of this world since, you are just a slave to the human's rules rather than the rules created by God (which is to love). You know pretty much that the domestic cat can't survive on streets right? Oh, sorry, you're heartless creature (not human, nor animal).
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"I rather be slave to human, not God." |
How heavy is our heart to even understand simple thing?: To love. |
Now, to much bigger issues, the Egypt and Syria (Surya). It has come to me that, when there is hope for the world will get into proper civilisation years by years, but somehow, years by years, the world is getting to one definite destination: the end. Though the signs are clear enough, but how smooth can it be, is not really a good question. Because in reaching something good, there are ALWAYS obstacles ahead. And Allah never promise it to be easy anyway, but Allah promises that in every hardness there is easiness given by Him. What happens here is beyond humanity issues, because if they are human, their brains should work. Blindfolded by the extremism, by the over obsession of the wrong religion, human or not, there are no difference between a stone and a creature. It is sad, that it has come to an ending where people really needs to 'kill' for their own right. And what blasphemy is this, since it is ramadan, and shouldn't the devils are on vacation in the Hell? Ouh, no worries, some of them already infiltrated these sick humans souls.
Kurniakanlah kemakmuran kepada dunia ini. Benarlah, setiap satu perkattan 'ummati' yang diluahkan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W, makin lamanya makin berat dengan satu bebanan bencana masa depan dek leka pada nilai asas kemanusiaan.
Manusia gila!
Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang di usahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (Mereka berdoa dan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami! janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya memikulnya. Dan maafkanlah kesalahan kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami, dan beri Penolong kami oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum yang kafir"
~kita belajar dengan ujian dan dugaan. Kita membesar dengan ujian dan dugaan.Kita kenal erti hidup dengan ujian dan dugaan. Hatta kita belajar untuk terus hidup juga dengan belajar daripada ujian dan dugaan. Dan kadang-kadang ujian dan dugaan itu bukan hanya kepayahan. Kesenangan pun satu ujian.~
-Rooftop Rant (Hlovate)