Friday, August 24, 2012

Of Raya and Deadline...


It has been almost 2 months of holidays. And today is raya ke lima already. And sadly, in 6 days, I'll be back to the prison. Or hell. Or any place that come through your mind that you REALLY don't wanna go there. Well this is merely a common syndrome whenever someone is lazy enough to go back to study. Happens to me all the time. Anyway, I just wanna wish Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri to all the people who know me (because if to 'readers', there are only 7 of them so yeah jangan nak perasan popular blehh) amd please forgive me in I ever did something wrong to you guys (which is countless).

Raya. Is it just a normal annual celebration or is it more than something that you could ever think of? Well, personally I used to think that it is just perayaan tahunan for all the Muslims around the world, well at least in Malaysia. But age doesn't stop. As I grow up, I get to see more and more things and get to understand more and more things too. Yes I am a grown up but still my level of maturity is still as low as mantel dekat pusat bumi. But I do observe a lot of thing. Common word for most of the people in raya is: 'NEW'. New car, new dress, new phone, new shoes, new everything, and very little, new azzam. Including me. Its a normal thing and even dituntut dalam Islam to be happy via getting new things. Its raya c'mon, buat apa sedih-sedih kan?

The unfortunates. Well, we keep singing songs after songs in before raya and in hari raya itself, just to live up the mood. But really, we dont live the lyric pretty much. And one of the phrases that usually comes up in most of the songs (apart of selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin) adalah 'jangan dilupa pada yang susah' or something that means the same. And for sure we just sing this as plainly as a phrase with words and we don't even get the real meaning of it. Well, if it isn't you, I honestly gonna admit that I didn't realize it either. Until 2-3 days before raya, my father made me realize something:

Not. A name I assumed from the name "Mohd. Nor" is a deaf and bisu person (or the same meaning err?). His age is around 30++ and married to a dead/bisu person as him and has 3 sweet children to build his own family. But he is so poor and worse, even his relatives ignore him, what else if his neighbours. So, no one to help him about anything. He is hardworking, sometimes. But most of the times, he is as lazy as pig. He doesn't recognize the value of money, well maybe from 1 ringgit to 100 ringgit. He can't count more than that because he doesn't learn mathematics. Okay enough about his background. 
He has a habit. Whenever he comes to my house for sure there is a problem and he really wants help. And usually, it involves money. He usually spent his money recklessly to something rubbish like his motorcycle instead of his family. His OKU allowance per month is around 500-900 ringgit if I'm not mistaken.  Lately, he comes for almost every single day and wants money for each time. Its not that I am so stingy that I really dont wanna help him but seriously, EVERY SINGLE DAY? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH ALL YOUR MONEY HA? And I said this to abah when he was driving in his car, and he said:
 "Apit, Not to bukannya cerdik sangat pun. Dia tau mesin rumput, bertukang-tukang ni sahaja. Duit pun dia taktau berapa. Cakap duit beribu dia sendiri mati kutu, dia tau duit tebai (tebal) mana saja. Value apa pun taktau."
 "Tapi, abah dua-tiga hari ni tak senang duduk. Duk terpikiaq dekat anak-anak dia. Macam kita tengah dok sahur, makan coco crunch, makan nasi sedap-sedap, nasi goreng ke...tapi anak-anak dia makan apa? Sumpah depa tak mampu aih nak makan macam kita. Raya nanti macam mana anak dia nak pakai baju raya apa? Dia nak amek duit mana nak beli baju raya depa?"
Aku senyap. 
" Sebab itulah, abah rasa serba salah. Kita ni senang apit. At least kita ni selesa lah berbanding dengan depa. Kita-lah yang patut menolong depa. Ingat Apit apa segala rezeki yang hang dapat nanti, 2.5% dari harta hang tu bukan hak hang. Hak orang lain. Hak orang lain yang Islam ajarkan kepada kita untuk dikembalikan kepada mereka"

Masha-Allah. Aku memang kena penampar time tu. I should have realize it earlier. How much do we human need for this worldly things? How much?  Indeed, I can predict my future of being a doctor if I keep the way I think right now. Maka betullah apa Allah katakan kamu manusia 'kuntum khairu ummah'...iaitu ummah yang terbaik ditugaskan menjadi khalifah di muka bumi ini. Well menjadi ummah terbaik bukannya untuk mencapai sesuatu yang tinggi untuk ummah sahaja, tapi berjaya juga untuk berpaling ke bawah untuk membantu naik bersama.

Ramai orang memanjat sesuatu bangunan yang tinggi untuk mencapai kejayaan. Berapa ramai orang 'takut' untuk memaling pandangan ke bawah kerana begitu gayat dan 'takut' terjatuh ke bawah? Ramai. Berapa ramai menyedari hakikatnya dia pernah berada di bawah tetapi sedang mendaki naik ke atas? Sedikit. Karena kita asyik dengan apa yang kita capai sehingga terlupa di mana kita bermula. Di bawah. Hulurkan tali. Naiklah bersama.

Okey, baru satu cerita. Ada lagi satu. Ok-ok aku pendekkan.

Mungkin orang mendengar pelat orang utara ini seakaan-akan serupa, terutamanya bila hendak dibezakan antara orang Penang dan juga orang Kedah. Sebenarnya tiada beza sangat pun dengan loghat utara kami. Tapi, kalau nak dibezakan perangainya, hah, memang ada sangatlah. Lihat saja suasana hari raya. Orang Kedah kebanyakannya memang suka meraya. Maksud 'meraya' tu bukannya mengutip duit dari rumah ke ruamh atau berkaraoke lagu raya pagi petang siang malam, tapi amalam ziarah menziarahi sesama tetangga, saudara-mara dan juga kenalan-kenalan rapat mahupun kenalan lama. Kedah is so lovely when it comes to this. Boleh berkahwin orang Kedah kalau macam ni. Penang pula lebih kebandaran (walaupun tak semua) tapi suasana raya itu sebenarnya sudah mati katak bila raya kedua sudah menjelma. FYI, rumah terbuka tidaklah ala 'suasana hari raya' sangat.

Tertatik dengan artkel yang dibaca pagi tadi dalam akhbar Kosmo. Rancangan TV yang menarik 'membunuh' nikmat 1 Syawal. Mungkin ada Prof di dalam artikel tersebut seolah2 tidak bersetuju dengan tajuk dengan menunding jari kepada tugas ibu bapa, tapi in reality, its actually a trend whereby technology sebenarnya memakan culture bit by bit. Usahlah cakap bab raya, bila ada reunion dengan kawan-kawan pun, masing2 dengan smartphone masing2. Usah dicakap orang lain, penulis pun same je. Kena berubah ni. Lama kelamaan, raya is just a another day like Sunday weekend with just a new pakaian untuk orang melaram. Ajar2 lah anak2 kita bersosial cara yang baik. Cara yang tak baik banyak pulak terjadi though tak digalakan -.-"

Anyway lagi 6 hari, lagi 6 hari. Barang semua dah habis beli. Semangat baru (belajar tak lah sangat but others eheh). Jaga diri, jaga kesihatan, jaga iman terutamanya. Assalamualaykum.

P/s: zaman sekarang, almost 95.5% of the persons around you are un-trust-able. Nak2 kalau nak dibuat suami mahupun isteri #Post-gossipDenganSepupuAndMakcikMakcik

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