Monday, June 11, 2012

Downgrading others


Please do stop downgrading others. Seriously stop. Sorry or not, I seriously got deeply hurt with whatever you said. Yeah, it's me being overly sensitive or you overly unaware of what are you saying. But for me, you made me sounds like a fool. Yeah, I know exam could be really stressing, but then, please enough with the questions, notes and schemes to make me feel stressed. I don't need an additional stress, ok? And plus, I thought it would be a relieving conversation, but ended up me feeling like a lucky doggy boy who was just merely on the borderline of failure but passed the exams.

Please don't judge me whenever I said I'm going to fail or what, or I'm stressed up in the midst of 4 hours before exam. Seriously don't judge me. I'm not saying that to 'psycho' whoever is taking exams tomorrow, but just a sincere statement which I brought up in my Fb status. When I said like that,it is just because I know and really know where to put and level my ability. I know what I prepared, and how much did I really prepared. Don't obliviously judge me.

In exams, people will get stressed up. Up to some stupid minor things. Even when your friend drank a sip of your coffee (not me, not anyone luckily). Hati itu perlu dijaga. Hubungan juga perlu dijaga. Tingkah laku, percakapan seharusnya lebih peka. Mungkin aku juga ada buat silap, haraplah aku dimaafkan. Maafkanlah aku. Tapi, sebagai seseorang yang terkenal denga sifat 'reaktif' aku selalunya menjadi subjek 'sensitif'. Amat sensitif. Ini fakta sains. Ada dua jenis bayi dilahirkan di dunia. Yang 'pasif' dan 'reaktif'. Aku reaktif. Cepat bertindak balas atas sesuati perkara mendatang. Baik atau buruk. Reaksi aku tidak semestinya terpampang di muka. Kebanyakan di dalam. Macam sekarang.

"Alah senanglah laa soalan tu, kalau aku jawab prung prang prung prang..."
"Aku jawab macam ni...dia cakap salah" --> "Memanglah salah, sepatutnya bla bla"
"Soalan tu bukan jawab macam ni ke...bla bla (jawapan memang betul pun)"
"Serious soalan tu ko tak dapat jawab? seriously?...."
"Senangnyeeeee...*senyap selepas menyampuk dari tepi*.."

Ini adalah situasi absurd yang aku menahan kesabaran aku tahap tinggi. Sebab? Ye, on the right side, memangnya salah aku agak kurang cerdik dan pintar seperti 'mereka' untuk menjawab soalan-soalan tu, sebab tu lah aku tak boleh jawab. AND aku pun TAHU apa salah aku sebab cikgu dah bagitau. TAK PERLU kot nak mentioned aku ni bodoh sangat tak boleh jawab soalan tu, kan? Tak perlu kot pergi cerita dekat orang lain, soalan aku senang tapi tak boleh jawab. Tak perlu. Kot. Kan? Sebab ye lah, aku budak yang masih belajar and bodoh sikti bab2 medik ni. Pointer dekat maktab dulu berape je. Entah macam mana la aku tersesat amek medik.

Sekian. Aku emo. Ada masalah?

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